Blessings of Liberty News
Blessings of Liberty Newsletter - Summer 2024
Addressing homelessness, leadership, and community engagement for positive local change

Our Blessings of Liberty Newsletter
Greetings All,
We have been very busy this year we have not had enough people to reap the harvest. We pressed very hard this year to get ordinances into our city to address the “Homeless” problems we are facing.
This was hard fought because it has been neglected for so long in our city. We still have a long way to go as the reality that many of those on our streets are not from Porterville and many of those on our streets do not want help. We are all scratching our heads seeing so many that have chosen this lifestyle. We have to sift through this problem and define it more clearly if we are to solve or ameliorate it. We must define it more precisely. We have to recognize that the best description of the problem we are facing today is vagrancy. There are laws on the books for vagrancy but not for homelessness and therein lies the problem. Progressives changed the meaning of the words and tried to change definitions to support a political agenda. We all see the results of decriminalizing crime that accompanies this problem (PROP 47). People are not living on the street because of a lack of homes. The experiment to create affordable housing has failed and housing is no longer affordable for even our working children and working families.
It seems as though folks are waking up more and more these days to the deception of this artificial intelligence age, where changing definitions leads to neglect and lawlessness. Folks are watching the train wreck that is today’s politicized media, and politicized culture, and most of us are sick and tired of what we are seeing and hearing. The great success of the past few generations has enabled us to outsource just about everything and we have all been focused on whatever life’s pursuits tickles our fancy including our thinking.
We started by outsourcing little things like cooking dinner and mowing the lawn. We trusted our education system to educate our children and we trusted our doctors to over prescribe drugs so we would not have to change our new lifestyles. We are starting to realize as the world around us becomes less recognizable that we even outsourced our responsibilities to be engaged in the local community. Not all of us, but all of us have outsourced much and we are starting to see the results of our growing dependence on bad leaders. We have been far too dependent on others to go out and lead and fix the problems we face in our local communities.
Our organization is centered on Leadership and we recognize that bad leadership leads to bad results while good leadership leads to good results. We have had it good for a very good for a long time and we have gotten soft. We are in the midst of major changes. We are starting to see the reversal of fortune from too much debt and dependency.
It seems the bad ideas are growing exponentially from bad leadership with little or no accountability. In hindsight our self-deception that neutrality was a good thing and that others will fix things for us has brought us to this inflection point. We must change the direction from the world that doesn’t work, back to the world that works. We all see the results and we all know its past time for REAL change.
It may seem daunting at times but for every problem there are solutions. We are informed by the good book that if we love Christ we will follow his commandments. We all know that virtue and morality come from seeking truth. We all know that the only way that things will change is to engage the issues through meaningful action. We have to get engaged each and every one of us and LIVE OUR VALUES EVERYDAY if we really want to express our L.O.V.E. for our neighbor’s.
Our organization recognized in its founding that we needed to pull together for bottom up change. We recognized that local action will have a national impact. We also concluded that we needed to teach people and inspire people along the way so our grass roots movement would be built on a solid foundation and not sinking sand.
We have had great success locally and we are gaining momentum as we head into this next election cycle. We are in a great position to fulfill the promise of advancing good Leaders to positions where we can make meaningful change. Meaningful change is closest to the people. We have much to do as we gather together to reap the harvest and restore an optimistic and hopeful future.
We are LEADING by example. We are INSPIRING each other and others in our community. We are living our VALUES of Faith and Family & Freedom. We are ENGAGED in the local issues where it matters most. This is how we L.I.V.E.
Please Join us as we engage the issues so we can build our local networks and work together for positive local change. We are excited to be part of the change. We are keeping it simple as we live and love our neighbors in our local community. We are all volunteers who LIVE in, and LOVE, our local community where we raise our families. Election Day is less than four months away and we need patriots like you to help elect strong leaders to Porterville City Council.
Join us in the fight for Faith, Family and Freedom in Porterville and the surrounding communities. We are always engaging to expand our network. We are all just neighbors, discussing and taking action to solve and support local community issues.
Ed McKervey – President -

Blessings of Liberty