About Us
your source for grassroots news
Blessings of Liberty
Blessings of Liberty is a community organization, based in Porterville, CA, committed to Educating, Promoting, Restoring, & Securing Blessings of Liberty. Guided by the principals of the Declaration of Independence as codified in the American Constitution. We are thoughtful & caring local individuals in common cause to restore our community spirit using the law to restore the law. Our aim is to reclaim the Spirit of 1776 and its promise of Equal justice, Equal Opportunity and Content of Character. We must secure the principles of our founding documents. We must do this for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren.
We are a grassroots organization of regular ordinary individuals with shared common sense values. Together each of us can contribute greatly to restoring our communities to its rightful place serving Faith, Family, & Freedom. Our Call To Action means every concerned citizen can make a difference when they are enaged and involved. Please join us as we work to restore the founding principals of our nation.